L1 Group Activity 1: Virtual Information Treasure Hunt
Objective: To explore information retrieval and evaluation skills through an asynchronous virtual treasure hunt.
L08: Group Activity 2: OSINT
Objective: In this group assignment, the goal was to delve into the concept of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), explore its techniques, and collaboratively create a presentation to showcase your understanding.
L10: Group Activity 3: Infographic
Objective: In this assignment, the group collaboratively designed an infographic that visually explained a security concept of choice. The goal was to create an informative and engaging visual representation of the chosen concept.
L12: Group Activity 4: Portfolio Coaching Milestone 2 (Feedback from your group mates)
Objective: To provide constructive comments on group members portfolio drafts concerning layout, content, and presentation. This provided insight and suggestions to better our individual portfolios.